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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy - Cheap Umrah Deals

 Welcome to the Privacy Policy of Cheap Umrah Deals. Cheap Umrah Deals regards your security and is focused on safeguarding your personal information. Our privacy notice will guide you about how we care for your personal data and information when you visit our website (no matter where you visit it from) or when in any case you share your information with us through different means or channels (like via phone) to buy Umrah packages deals from us, we also inform you about your protection rights and how the law safeguards you.

It’s not too much difficult to understand, still if you face trouble in understanding any terms refer to the appendix that we have set out at the end of the agreement, assuming there is any wording utilized in this privacy notice that you are unaware to or that you don’t completely understand, so it my help.

  • Important Data and Our identity
  • The Information we collect about you
  • How your Personal Information is Collected?
  • How Your Personal Data Is Used by Us?
  • How we Unveil your own Information?
  • When we transfer your Information Abroad?
  • How Your Data Is Protected by us?
  • How long we hold your Information for your Legitimate Rights
  • Appendix

Important Data and Our Identity

  1.  Why this privacy notice is important?

    This privacy notice expects to give you information about how Cheap Umrah Deals collects and proceeses your personal data, including any information you might give through this website or by some other means (like via phone) when you book Umrah packages with us, when you subscribe to our newletters, or participate in a competiton, takes help from online customer support service, live chat support or reach us through different social media channels, or by another form.

    We do not collect information about children and this website is not intended for children.

    You should carefully read this privacy policy notice along with some other notice or fair handling notice we might give on unambiguous events when we are gathering or handling individual information about you so you are completely aware of how and why we are utilizing your information. This privacy notice is meant to complement the other notices and not replace them.

Your agreement with us or the relevant Supplier/Principal requires you to purchase travel insurance. You can choose to take advantage of our insurance or make your own arrangements. Your insurance agreement should incorporate Coronavirus enclosure, including, but not restricted to, wiping out and retreating charges, surprising end of your tour, clinical costs, bringing home expenses (counting air rescue vehicle), individual mishaps, and misfortune or harm to particular belongings. Is it advisable for you to go without satisfactory protection inclusion? We can’t be considered answerable for any misfortunes that would have, in any case, been covered by protection.


Our complete information is:

Complete name of Registered Company: Cheap Umrah Deals

 Name of information security administrator/manager:

Email Address:

Postal Address:

 You reserve the right to submit a query or register a complain whenever to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK administrative expert for information protection issues (ico.org.uk). We would, appreciate the opportunity to manage your queries before you approach the ICO so if it’s not too much trouble, reach us in the initial phase.

Changes to the privacy notice and your responsibility to Update us regarding changes about your data

 The most recent update to this version occurred on May 25, 2022; previous versions can be obtained by contacting us.

 It is essential that the personal information we collect about you should be recent and accurate. Kindly keep us informed assuming any of the details or data you give to us needs to have change, throughout your association with us.

Links to third parties

This website might have links to third party websites, plugins and applications. Clicking on those connections or empowering those associations might permit third parties to gather or share information about you. We don’t control these third party websites and are not liable for their privacy statements. At the point when you leave our website, we urge you to check the privacy notice of each and every website you visit.

The information we collect about you

 Any information that can be used to identify a person is considered personal data or personal information. It does not contain data that has been anonymized (anonymous data).

The following categories of personal data about you may be collected, used, stored, and transferred by us:

  • Identity Data

This includes information about your identity, such as your marital status, title, date of birth, gender, first name, maiden name, last name, etc.

  • Data for Contact and Connection

 This integrates information connecting with how you might be reached, for example, your billing address, delivery address, email address and phone numbers.

  • Financial Information

 This includes information about how you pay, like your bank account and payment card details.

  • Transaction Information

 This includes information connecting with the exchanges you have done with us, for example, details regarding installments to and from you and details of products and services you have bought from us.

  • Specific Information

 Your internet protocol (IP) address, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access this website are all included in this category.

  • Usage Data

 This incorporates data about how you utilize our website, products and services.

  • Data About Marketing and Communication

This gives information about how you want to communicate with us and whether you want to receive marketing from us and third parties.

We additionally use, collect, and share stored information for any reason, like demographic or statistical purposes. Despite the fact that Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data, it is not considered personal data by law because it does not reveal your identity in any way. We may, for example, consolidate your Usage Data Information to sort out the number of individuals that use a specific site highlight or feature. However, keep in mind that we will treat your Aggregated Data as personal data and use it in accordance with this privacy notice if we link it with your personal data in a way that can either directly or indirectly reveal your identity.

Special Categories of Personal Information

We might collect the special categories of personal information about you, for example:

  • Information related to your dietary requests which might uncover your religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Health

 We only collect and process the above-mentioned data when absolutely necessary and always with your obvious permission in order to make and fulfill the travel arrangements you have booked with us.

 It is necessary to obtain your consent before processing any sensitive or private information about you. However, we will not be able to make the essential arrangements to make the travel plans that you have booked or are attempting to book without your approval. Therefore, if you do not consent, we will be unable to proceed with your reservation.

If you want, you can withdraw your consent at any time to limit us to use your sensitive personal data. However, since this will prevent us from providing the travel arrangements you have booked, so we will be expected to treat any withdrawal of consent as a cancellation of your booking and you will be responsible for paying the cancellation fees outlined in the Booking Terms and Conditions.

If we are required to collect personal data by law or under the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we may not be able to carry out the contract we have with you if you do not provide personal information.

To put it another way, if you don’t provide us with the information we need to provide you with the travel Umrah Packages you’ve chosen, we won’t be able to provide the services you’ve booked or are trying to book.

In these circumstances, depending upon when you won’t give the required personal data, we could have to cancel your booking, in this situation we will take this as a ‘cancellation by you’ according to the Booking terms and conditions. We will notify you if we are unable to process a booking or must cancel one as a result.

How your personal information is collected?

We collect information about you in a variety of ways, including:

In-person interactions

By filling out forms or by corresponding with us via email, phone, or other means, you can provide us with your Identity, Contact, and bank details. Personal information that you provide when you:

  • Make a reservation for travel;
  • mentioning a quotation from us or making an enquiry;
  • subscribe our newsletters or other distributions;
  • handling complaints and resolving disputes;
  • request that you receive marketing;
  • enter a contest or review;
  • give us your thoughts or reviews

Computerized advancements or communications

We may automatically collect Technical Data about your device, browsing actions, and patterns as you visit our website.

Cookies, server logs, and other similar technologies are used to gather this personal information. If you visit other websites that use our cookies, we might also get Technical Data about you. Kindly see our cookies policy here for additional details.

Third Parties

 We may receive personal information about you from the following third parties:

  1. Technical Information from the parties listed below:
  • analytics providers based outside the EU, such as Google;
  • advertising networks based in the EU, like Facebook;
  • search information providers based outside the EU, such as Google and Bing;
  • Companies like Affiliate Future, which is based in the United Kingdom.
  1. Financial, contact, and transaction information from EU-based providers of technical, payment, and delivery services like Barclaycard and Ingenico.

Purposes for which we will utilize your personal information

We have set out below, in a table, a representation of the relative variety of ways we intend to utilize your personal information, and which of the legitimate evidence we depend on to do as such. We have additionally distinguished where our perfect compensations are applicable.

Note that we might handle your personal information for more than one legitimate area depending upon the particular reason for which we are utilizing your information. If more than one legal area has been listed in the table below, please get in touch with us if you need

more information about the specific legal areas or grounds we use to process your personal data.


Type of data

Legitimate basis for processing, including legitimate interest basis

to add you as a new client.

(a) Identity;
(b) Contact.

Execution of an agreement with you.

to finish processing and delivering your reservation, which includes: (a)fees, other charges and payments management

(b) Recover money that is owed to us.

(a) Identity;
(b) Contact;
(c) Financial;
(d) Transaction;
(e) Marketing and Communications.

(a) executing a contract with you;
(b) Needed for our legitimate interests (to collect debts owed to us)

To manage our relationship with you, which will include:

(a) informing you of changes to our privacy policies or terms;

(b) Asking you to participate in a survey or review.

(a) Identity;
(b) Contact;
(c) Profile;
(d) Marketing and Communications.

((a) Fulfillment of an agreement with you;

(b) Required to fulfill a legal requirement;

(c) Fundamental for our authentic advantages (to keep our records updated and to concentrate on how clients utilize our products and services).

To assist you to participate in a prize draw, competition or in a survey.

(a) Identity;
(b) Contact;
(c) Profile;
(d) Usage;
(e) Marketing and Communications.

(a) Fulfillment of an agreement with you;

(b) Necessary for our legitimate interests (developing our products and services, studying how customers use them, and expanding our business).

to manage and safeguard our company as well as this website (which includes troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system upkeep, support, reporting, and data hosting).

(a) Identity;
(b) Contact;
(c) Technical.

(a) Necessary for our legitimate interests (running our business, providing IT and administrative services, network security, preventing fraud, and in the context of a group restructuring or business reorganization);

(b) Necessary to fulfill a legal requirement.

to measure or comprehend the effectiveness of the advertisements we serve you in order to deliver relevant website content and advertisements to you.

(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Profile
(d) Usage
(e) Marketing and Communications
(f) Technical

Necessary for our legitimate interests (developing our products and services, studying how customers use them, expanding our business, and determining our marketing strategy)

To utilize data analytics to improve  our site, products/services, marketing, client connections and experiences

(a) Technical
(b) Usage

Fundamental for our legitimate interests (to characterize types of clients for our products and services, to keep our site updated and significant, to foster our business and to illuminate our showcasing methodology)

to provide you with recommendations and suggestions regarding products or services that might be of interest to you

(a) Identity
(b) Contact
(c) Technical
(d) Usage
(e) Profile

necessary for our legitimate interests (to expand our business and develop our products and services)


We aim to offer you options concerning the use of your personal data, especially in marketing and advertising.

How Your Personal Data is Used By Us?

We will only make use of your personal information when required by law. We typically use your personal data in the following scenarios:

  • Where we really want to do the agreement we are going to go into or have gone into with you.
  • Where our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) necessitate it and your fundamental rights and interests do not overcome.
  • where we are required to fulfil a regulatory or legal requirement.

Except for sending you direct marketing communications via email or text message, we rarely use consent as a legal basis for processing your personal data. Contact us at any time to withdraw your consent to marketing.

Promotional offers from us

We may use your Identity, Contact information, Technical, Usage, and Profile Data to understand what you might like or need. This helps us decide which products, services, and offers might interest you (we call this marketing).

If you’ve asked for information or bought services from us, you’ll receive marketing emails and texts unless you opt out.

We will also send you brochures and other marketing materials by mail based on our business interest in promoting our products/services and growing our business. You can opt out of receiving these postal materials at any time by contacting us.

Marketing by Other Companies

We will ask for your permission before sharing your personal information with companies for marketing purposes.

How to Unsubscribe

You can stop receiving marketing messages from us or other companies anytime by clicking the opt-out links in our messages or by directly contacting us through our website.

Important Note About Opting Out

Opting out from marketing messages won’t affect the personal information you share with us when you bought travel services or made other transactions.


You can set your browser to notify you whenever a website uses cookies or to block all or some cookies. If you disable or block cookies, a few parts of our website may not work as expected. Please review our COOKIE POLICY for more information on the cookies we use.

Change of Purpose

We will only use your personal data for the reasons we collected it, unless we believe it can be used for a different but related purpose. If you want to know how the new use is related to the original purpose, please contact us.
If we need to use your data for a different reason, we will let you know and explain why it’s allowed.
Please note, we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent if required or allowed by law.

How we Unveil your Personal Information?

For the reasons outlined in the preceding paragraph, we may be required to share your personal information with the following parties:

  • With internal third parties, as mentioned in the glossary
  • Our Glossary provides definitions for external third parties.
  • Explicit third parties like Onkar Infotech Private Limited, an organization outside the EEA that manages our call center function.
  • If we decide to sell, transfer, or combine a portion of our business or assets, additional third parties. Your personal information may be used in accordance with the terms of this privacy notice if we merge with or acquire other businesses.


We ensure that all third parties adhere to the law and respect the security of your personal data. Your personal data can only be processed for specified purposes in accordance with our instructions by our third-party service providers, who are not permitted to use it for their own purposes.

When we transfer your Information Abroad?

Your personal information may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) because many of our partners are not based in the EEA.

We will need to send your personal information to the providers of the travel arrangements if you book services outside the EEA. In the event that we can’t utilize one of the protections referenced below while sharing your information, we will depend on Article 49 of the GDPR to do as such, and you permit us to share your information. You additionally comprehend that information insurance outside the EEA may not be essentially serious areas of strength for as inside the EEA.

We implement at least one of the following safety measures to ensure the security of your personal data when it is transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA):

  • Your data will only be transferred to nations that the European Commission has determined to provide satisfactory security. The information on data protection in non-EU nations provided by the European Commission provides additional details.
  • We utilize explicit agreements supported by the UK/European Commission with specialist cooperatives to give your information a similar security as in Europe. Consult the model contracts for transferring data to third countries created by the European Commission for additional details.
  • Adequacy of personal data protection in non-EU nations – UK/European Commission and ICO website.

If you want more information about how we transfer your personal data outside of the EEA, please get in touch with us.

Data Safety

We have implemented appropriate security measures to prevent the accidental loss, misuse, unauthorized use, disclosure, or alteration of your personal data. Likewise, we limit admittance to your own information to those workers, specialists, project workers and other outsiders who have a business. They will just deal with your own information on our directions and they are dependent on a commitment of secrecy. We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected breach of personal data and will notify you and any relevant regulator when required by law to do so.

How long we hold your Information for your Legitimate Rights?

Under particular conditions, you have privileges under data protection law in regards to your personal information. Click the links mentioned below to find out about them:

  • Request access to your personal data/information.
  • Request to update your personal information.
  • Request eradication of your personal information.
  • Request us to handling your personal information.
  • Request that your personal data should not be processed.
  • Request transfer of your personal information.
  • Right to revoke consent.

How Your Data Is Protected by us?

Information Maintenance

We will only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary to meet legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.

 The amount, nature, and sensitivity of your data, the risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure, the purposes for processing your data and whether we can achieve these purposes through other means, and any legal requirements are all taken into consideration when determining the appropriate holding period.

For legal and tax reasons, we are required by law to keep basic customer information, such as contact, identity, financial, and transaction data, for seven years after they stop being our customers.

 We will remove your personal information from our databases on your request at any time. See the “Request Erasure” section below for additional information.

We may likewise anonymize your own information (so it cannot be connected to you by any means) for research or statistical purposes, in this case we might utilize this data endlessly without informing you.

No Fee Usually Needed

Typically, you won’t have to pay any fee to access your personal data or use any other rights you have. In any case, we reserve a right to charge a reasonable fee in the case that your request is clearly not founded, repetitive, or unreasonable. Otherwise, in these situations, we may deny to comply with your request.

What We May Need from You

We may request specific information from you in order to verify your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or use any other rights). The unauthorized disclosure of your personal information is prevented by this security measure. In order to expedite our response, we may also reach out to you for additional information related to your request.

Time Limit to Respond

Our aim is to respond to all authentic requests within a month. It might take longer if your request is particularly complicated or if you have made multiple requests. In such cases, we will notify you and keep you informed.


Legitimate Interest: This means our business’s interest in running and managing itself to give you the best and most secure experience. We carefully consider how it might affect you and your rights before using your personal data or information for our interests. We don’t use your data if our interests are predominated by your impact, unless we have your consent or are otherwise required by law. You can contact us for further details.

Execution of Agreement: This implies utilizing your personal information when expected to make an agreement with you or to prepare for an agreement at your request.

Comply with a Legal or Regulatory Obligation: This means processing your personal data to comply with the subjected laws or regulations.

External Third Parties:

  • Travel service suppliers (airlines, hotels, transport providers) acting as processors, located inside and outside the EEA, providing the travel services you book with us.
  • Service providers (IT, call centers, system administration) acting as processors, located inside and outside the EEA.
  • Professional advisers (lawyers, bankers, auditors, insurers) acting as processors or joint controllers in the UK, providing consultancy, banking, legal, insurance, and accounting services.
  • HM Revenue & Customs, regulators, and other authorities in the UK acting as processors or joint controllers, requiring reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.

Your Legal Rights

You have the right to:

  • Request access Make a “data subject access request” for access to your personal information. This implies you can request a copy of the personal information we have about you and make sure that we are utilizing it legally.
  • Request correction Make a request that the personal information we hold about you be updated. This allows you to correct any incomplete or inaccurate data we have, though we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide.
  • Request erasure of your personal data. This allows you to ask us to delete or remove your personal data when there is not enough reason for you to continue us processing it. You also have this right if you have successfully objected to processing, if we have processed your data unlawfully, or if we need to delete your personal data to comply with local law. Note that we may not always be able to comply with your erasure request for specific legal reasons, which we will inform you of at the time of your request.
  • Object to processing If we are using your personal data for a legitimate purpose (ours or a third party’s) and you have a specific reason to object, you can object to its use. If we are using your data for direct marketing, you can also object. In some cases, we may demonstrate that we have compelling valid areas to process your information which overrule your rights and freedoms.
  • Request restriction You can make a request to restrict the use of your personal information. if you want us that we should verify the data’s accuracy. This permits you to request that we stop handling your information in these specific circumstances:


  • If you want us to verify the accuracy of the data.
  • If we are utilizing the information unlawfully, yet you don’t believe that we should erase it.
  • If you really want us to keep the information, regardless of whether we never again need it, since you want it for lawful reasons.
  • If you have objected to our use of your data, we must first determine whether we have valid reasons to do so.
  • Request the transfer You can request the transfer of your personal information to you or another party. We will provide data to you in a machine-readable, structured, and widely used format. This right only applies to automated data that we used to fulfill a contract with you or that you gave us permission to use.
  • Withdraw consent Withdraw your consent at any time if we are using your personal data based on your consent. This will not affect the legality of any processing done before you withdrew your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we might not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will let you know if this happens when you withdraw your consent.

Our Seasonal Umrah Packages

Choose the ideal Umrah package for your needs and budget. Enjoy seamless travel, comfortable stays, and guided spiritual experiences. Let us take care of the details so you can focus on your pilgrimage.

Thank You!

We have received your email, and will try to reply back as soon as possible. We thank you for stopping by and take some time out to visit us. We really appreciate the patience and minutes you have spared for us. We hope you have not faced any inconvenience while your time at our site. We really wanted to make everything as clear as possible for you to understand the deals and packages we are offering. We will also try our level best to help you with all your queries and answers. You can also call us if there is still any problem.

Read our Privacy Policy

Thank You!

We have received your email, and will try to reply back as soon as possible. We thank you for stopping by and take some time out to visit us. We really appreciate the patience and minutes you have spared for us. We hope you have not faced any inconvenience while your time at our site. We really wanted to make everything as clear as possible for you to understand the deals and packages we are offering. We will also try our level best to help you with all your queries and answers. You can also call us if there is still any problem.

Read our Privacy Policy

Thank You!

We have received your email, and will try to reply back as soon as possible. We thank you for stopping by and take some time out to visit us. We really appreciate the patience and minutes you have spared for us. We hope you have not faced any inconvenience while your time at our site. We really wanted to make everything as clear as possible for you to understand the deals and packages we are offering. We will also try our level best to help you with all your queries and answers. You can also call us if there is still any problem.

Read our Privacy Policy